Covid Shutdown Affecting How We live 2020

I think this picture of the line waiting to get into Walmart best describes the late winter, early spring of 2020 when everyone was sheltering in place due to the Covid 19 shutdown. Toilet paper shortages, anti bacterial soap shortages, mask shortages, and disinfectant wipe shortages were probably the main things that were being rationed by the stores. If they had any of the afore mentioned items in stock you could only take one or two of them. Social distancing of 6′ was the theme everywhere which limited the number of people who could shop at any one time. Some of the rules implemented by our Governor were considered very controversial as shops and people were defined by being essential or not. This resulted in several protest in Lansing by small businesses who were ordered to stay shut while larger essential business could remain open. All restaurants were carry out or delivery only.

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