4th of July 2020

A beautiful but hot day on this Fourth of July. There is still no baseball so this may be the first time I missed a 4th of July Tiger game in my life. We are listening to satellite radio, the 700 greatest hits are counting down from the 70’s and right now they are at 180. I will try to remember to update this and let you know which song wins. Mom is going with “Love will Keep us together” and Dad is going with “Bridge over Troubled Water”. (I do not know if hard rock is on there or I would go with Stairway to Heaven)

James worked all day on his 5,000 piece puzzle which is the largest he ever tackled. The prior record was a 2,000 piece puzzle. We have three tables in the garage to hold the puzzle, what we are going to do with it once its complete has not been determined because it is huge.

Fireworks galore tonight, since all city and state firework shows have been cancelled due to covid, the people are putting on their own and doing a great job, sounds like a war zone as I type this.

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