2023 Grandma Interred at Michigan Memorial Cemetery

James’ Grandma (Judith Landis Lantz) was interred this day at Michigan Memorial Cemetery in Flat Rock Michigan. She is in a crypt about 50 yards from James’ other Grandparents who are buried along the wall in that area.

Judith was buried with her dolls, some of which she has had all her life, and James, Mom, and Olga (a friend of Grandma) laid out the dolls and other treasures of her in her crypt.

Judith died two weeks ago, she had made arrangements with the Neptune society for cremation upon her death which took about a week to complete. Michigan Memorial requires 72 hours notice so that took a few more days which is why it took two weeks to have her interred. Her friends Olga, Alice, and Dorothy were also present.

Afterwards we all went out to lunch together, it was a very pleasant time for everyone under the circumstances.

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