Tag: Puzzle
32,000 Piece Puzzle Completed
When the pandemic isolated James from school and other social events, he spent a year working on one of his favorite hobbies, puzzles. James had a 32,000 piece puzzle of New York City and he began putting this together.
He divided the puzzle into 8 sections and then divided each of those sections into 1 square foot sections which he glued together. He then took the entire package to Swapka field and worked under the pavilion for about two hours putting this puzzle together. Since it was too big for our garage, this was the first time James saw his puzzle completely together.
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James Finishes 5000 Piece Puzzle
After weeks of work James finished a huge Ravensburger puzzle in the garage. Since camp was drastically shortened and the Magic Get Together in Colon cancelled, the entire family found themselves with extra time and James took advantage of it by putting together the largest puzzle in family history. The garage still has puzzles that were put together decades earlier by James’ Aunt Peg and James’ dad hanging on the wall.
We were all proud that James took his time and put together this huge puzzle and he plans to do one a little bigger in the future, a 32,000 piece puzzle.
Leap Year Puzzle Day 2016
The weather the past few days has been warm with mild 60 degree weather. 1/15 percent to 21/300 percent of puzzle complete. We could of start a 3000 piece puzzle but it would be a 20 day early start from 2/29/2016. The 2,000 piece puzzle took 1/2 month without break from puzzle. 2000 piece puzzle time line is 9/18/2015 to 2/8/2016. The warm weather in February is awesome and we hope it continues for March, although it is expected to snow tomorrow.
Warm Temperatures Create Puzzle Opportunity 2016
After the last few winters (which were brutal, cold, snowy, and long), James got a break this year when the late January temperatures reached the mid forties! James took advantage of the weather (and a weekend without football) to work on his puzzle still in the garage from the fall. Its a 2000 piece puzzle and James is half way through it which would make it the largest puzzle (piece wise) that James had ever put together.
The warm weather has also helped us get an early start on Spring cleaning. Last year at this time we were chipping ice on the sidewalks with most of our free time, this year we have been able to do a little cleaning under the steps and for one of the few times in the history of under the steps, it does not look bad.
Tomorrow it should be in the mid forties again although we may hit 50 so James is planning on a couple visits to relatives and then a full afternoon of working on his puzzle.