Tag: Greenfield Village
Greenfield Village & Henry Ford Museum 2003
James was only a few weeks old when we took him to the museum and village. It was a beautiful sunny day and the doctors suggested to give him as much sunlight as possible before winter sets in. James had jaundice when he was born and the best thing for that is being out in the sunlight.
With Fall and Winter rapidly approaching it would seem we better get him as much sunlight as possible because he certainly won’t get much in the harsh Michigan winter. The people at the gate said James was the youngest visitor they have had in weeks.
Below is a video of James growing up from stroller to toddler at Greenfield Village.
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Greenfield Village Henry Ford Museum 2002
This was Mary’s first visit to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn MI. Mary loves cars and antiques and really loves seeing the sites at the museum.
I on the other hand was literally raised at Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, at least once but usually twice a year there would be field trips from my school to the village or museum depending on the season. This year the big attraction was the Rosa Parks bus and they were working on a new airplane exhibit which will feature some of the most famous airplanes in American history.
Some of the more gruesome exhibits are the chair Lincoln was assasinated in and the car Kennedy was assasinated in.
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