Return From Amsterdam to Detroit

After 15 days in central Europe, James’ class comes to a conclusion.

James visited many different countries, toured many plants and learned about different businesses and business practices. He also did some work while in these plants, going over ledgers and such.

Needless to say Mom and Dad were anxious to get James home, he got through customs without any issues and was picked up at Metro airport in Romulus.

James had two fantastic trips this year, many students don’t get any so he is very thankful to Wayne State College for this wonderful opportunity. James saw 6 countries on this trip, and saw 2 countries on the France trip (France and England) so he saw 8 European countries in a two month period and it all counted as college credits, a pretty smart move on Jame’s part.

At this point James does not have any more over sea classes scheduled for his upcoming Senior year.

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