Tigers Game Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness 2024

Nicks family invited us to the Tiger game which was supporting breast cancer awareness. We left early but got tied up on 94 but still made it to the game on time. While walking to the game from our parking spot, Mom and Dad got to visit Jame’s school – Mike Illitch School of Business – and took a few pics. Detroit is great in this area with all the sports in one area downtown.

Unfortunately the Tigers blew a lead and lost. There hitting just isn’t there this year and I personally think they took a big step backwards. Sloppy play in the field makes me wonder if they are getting the proper coaching. They lost 5-4, but at least it wasn’t as bad as yesterdays loss – 10-0 – at the hands of these same Brewers.

Amazingly, one of James friends who went to Europe was also at the game and joined James for a few pictures as well. All in all it was a great way to spend a cloudy afternoon in Detroit. Continue reading “Tigers Game Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness 2024”

Return From Amsterdam to Detroit

After 15 days in central Europe, James’ class comes to a conclusion.

James visited many different countries, toured many plants and learned about different businesses and business practices. He also did some work while in these plants, going over ledgers and such.

Needless to say Mom and Dad were anxious to get James home, he got through customs without any issues and was picked up at Metro airport in Romulus.

James had two fantastic trips this year, many students don’t get any so he is very thankful to Wayne State College for this wonderful opportunity. James saw 6 countries on this trip, and saw 2 countries on the France trip (France and England) so he saw 8 European countries in a two month period and it all counted as college credits, a pretty smart move on Jame’s part.

At this point James does not have any more over sea classes scheduled for his upcoming Senior year.

Continue reading “Return From Amsterdam to Detroit”

The Last Day in Central Europe – Royal FloraHolland

James and his class got a chance to visit Royal FloraHolland. Royal FloraHolland is the largest international floriculture marketplace for flowers and plants, operating as both an association of growers and a business entity. Royal FloraHolland handles an average of 100,000 transactions per day and generates an annual turnover of over 5 billion euros. With around 3,000 members from Europe, Africa, and Asia, as well as buyers from numerous countries, they are a leader in the floriculture sector.

After the tour and classes were over, James enjoyed a Thai restaurant with his classmates for their last dinner in Europe together.

Mom says many of the bulbs she buys each spring are from Holland, now we know why!

Continue reading “The Last Day in Central Europe – Royal FloraHolland”

Flight to Luxembourg and Train to Brussels Belgium

This was James’ free day and he decided to take a flight from Amsterdam to Luxembourg city (business class as they offered James an upgrade for a nominal cost). While in Luxembourg he visited the Grand Palace Ducal. After a brief visit to the city James took a Eurostar train to get to Brussels to meet up with his classmates. Later he went to the Atomium in Brussels but his phone was low. His ride to the town hall was cancelled and James had to make other arrangements with the help of two of his classmates before the phone died.

After sharing strategic ideas they went into a business who let them use a charger to charge up all their phones. They made all their destinations on time on this busy day (despite getting on the wrong train but right destination).

Without a doubt this was the most adventurous day of the trip, but lots of fun as James saw three countries just that day.
Continue reading “Flight to Luxembourg and Train to Brussels Belgium”