Day: June 14, 2019
James Wisdom Teeth Removed
The family has been waiting for this day for a few months as James scheduled his wisdom teeth removal the day after the last day of school. James had perfect attendance for the year and did not want to jeopardize it which is why he waited. However with all the snow days that happened we were a little concerned that there may be a makeup day which would mean James would lose his perfect attendance on the last day, fortunately this did not happen.
James reported to the Dentist at 7 am, was prepped till 7:30 am, and was out of the office and on his way home by 8:20 am. The doctors gave us extra gauze for the bleeding and told us to use “tea” packets as gauze if the bleeding continues. We did try the tea packets (removing the string from the little bags) and they seemed to work pretty well so it was a good suggestion to remember.
The picture shown here is of James teeth before the operation and you can clearly see the wisdom teeth coming in on an angle.