Mothers Day 2019

Mothers day started off the same way as others, with a picture of James and his Mom in front of the house. We picked up some flowers at Kroger on the way to the cemetery, the weather fighting back rain constantly throughout the day made for a windy day with little annoying drops of water from time to time. However we did manage to get the flowers out. We did take pics of all the graves with flowers so mission accomplished despite the poor weather.

Next was the antique store in Flint, which had added an airplane with skeletons to their display, and only at a cost of 2,500 you too can have a crashed airplane in your living room.

Next stop was a visit to Grandma’s as today was James visits Grandma day. After dropping James off, Mom went to a couple more antique stores before we finally stopped in for Mothers Day dinner.

A great Mothers day despite the weather.

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