Magic Flea Market 2019

Mom was a little sick this day so James and his Dad had to handle the 2019 Magic Flea Market in Colon Michigan, the Magic Capital of the World. We did not have any magic to sell so Jame sold some of the Halloween freebies he gives you at his Halloween party and did pretty alright.

The flea market began at 9am, although setup was from 8am till 9am. At noon their is an auction and each table auctions one thing off. After the auction everyone went to Abbotts where they were having a 10% off everything sale.

There was lots of great stuff this year, but not much Halloween (except for James table). We saw a mutilated parasol, A Duck Bucket, a Find The Lady effect, and even a light and heavy chest among the hundreds if not thousands of used magic be sold here today.

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