Day: April 21, 2019
Easter 2019
A very rainy weekend but Easter sunday turned out to be the best day of the year and James did a little work on the garage because it was so nice. We had a visitor to the garage, a local kitty came by to get its tummy rubbed.
James went to a breakfast fundraiser by the seniors at his high school where he got his picture taken with the Annapolis mascot and also the Easter Bunny. He enjoyed the pancake breakfast as well. This took place on Palm Sunday. In between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday James had his first track meet as well so it was a busy Easter week for us.
We had VIP ham this year. Jame’s VIP camp was selling them as a fundraiser so we bought one along with a few other food items they were selling. The ham was spiral sliced and very very good as everyone enjoyed it.
This was our first Easter without Aunt Peg and it felt a little strange not visiting her as we used to always stop by holiday weekends and see her. We displayed her sympathy cards on the piano along with the Easter decorations and placed her flowers from the funeral in the window in her memory.