James on Track Team

We are all proud of James as he performs for Annapolis JV Track Team. He is currently on the JV squad but did throw a little for the Varsity at certain events. James does the shot put and each time he throws the ball he gets a little better and better. He also is working on the Discus throw. James and Dad hope to work on this over the summer months which his coach says means he needs to strengthen his upper body as best as possible. James has gotten several exercises to do from his coach and has been very attentive and diligent in his practices both at Annapolis and the back yard. So far James’s biggest nemesis has been all the rainfall we received this spring.

Our Remodeled McDonalds

For many years when we gave directions to our house we would always say to turn after the 50’s McDonalds, but now we will have to say turn after the European style McDonalds which has been under remodelling all winter and spring long with just the drive thru opened. Today, after coming home from a lunch with Grandma, James and his Dad saw the new design McDonalds is opened and so we stopped in and ordered a couple cokes (we had just ate with Grandma at Red Robins so we were not hungry). Its very neat and clean with the option of ordering from stations as well as waiting in line.

However, I miss the old 50’s McDonald with Superman crashing through the glass.

Continue reading “Our Remodeled McDonalds”

Thelma and the Dancing Hank

James Gold Honor Roll

James did great his second trimester and was rewarded with the gold honor roll. The family is very pleased and proud of his accomplishment at Annapolis.