Month: February 2017
Valentines Day 2017
I think everyone will remember the election of 2016 as it was something I don’t think anyone expected. Unfortunately there were some sore losers after the election and when one of the major department stores decided no longer to carry Ivanka Trump clothing line, Mom and Dad just had to do something to protest in our own little way so our Valentines day consisted of going to Lord and Taylor and buying some Ivanka Trump clothing (for Mom). Afterwards we found out the clothing line had its best month in sales ever so we obviously weren’t the only ones who did not think what that other department store did was right.
Later when James got out of school we all went out for a nice dinner. Mom and Dad commented how this had been probably the most “different” Valentines day since we went to see the Pistons about ten years ago at the Palace on Valentines day. That day it snowed so I guess we were lucky this year.