J.A. Landis Civil War Recollection 2016

While at Greenfield Village on Memorial Day 2016 Mom had her family background checked and found a likely relative who fought in the Civil War. Here is what the research said.

Residence was not listed;
Enlisted on 7/30/1862 as a Hospl Steward.

On 7/30/1862 he mustered into Field & Staff TN 63rd Infantry
He was Surrendered on 4/9/1865 at Appomattox Court House, VA
(Estimated date of enlistment)

* Asst Surgeon

Other Information:
died in 1920 in Gainesville, TX

After the War he lived in Gainesville, TX

Here are 3 links to all the data we have, the pdf was given to us by the people at Greenfield Village.


Civil-War-History-Landis PDF

Greenfield Village Memorial Day Weekend 2016

Greenfield Village had a re-enactment of the American Civil War and James got a chance to see a bit of how life was like as a soldier in those days. The entire village was an encampment for both the North and South and bivouac tents were everywhere. We took the train around the park and could see the artillery demonstration (cannons firing) from the train. We then stopped off at the historical tent where they check and see if you have any relatives that fought in the Civil war. While Dad’s family moved here after the Civil War, Mom’s family has been in Tennessee for centuries and they found a picture of Mary’s great grandfather from the civil war. They printed out a bunch of documents that we will post here as soon as we get a chance to scan them. After the historical tent we took a ride on the Model T and then went back through the museum to avoid a rain shower. We took a pic of Thomas Edison autograph in cement and of the Beatle exhibit. On the way home we asked James if he knew who the Beatles were and he said “yes, they are the ones who wrote their names in cement”, obviously confusing the last two exhibits.

A great time was had by all and a little Civil War remembrance to help our celebration of Memorial day.

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