Pool Time 2016 Begins

Our little pool has made it to its third year, although we had to replace a hose and a pump. Still a pretty good value for us because we actually compared reviews and this pool was the only one at any price that did not get any bad reviews. This year James picked out a new light that is really cool and acts like a fountain. It’s actually on the exit side of the pump, attached with a hose, and the light is generated from hydro power in the same way bicycles generate light from peddling. In the evening it creates a colored atmosphere on the whole inside of the pool which should be handy on July 4th when James stays up late and watches fireworkds from his pool.

James spent about an hour in the pool today (mid 70’s so its still a little cool around here) and enjoyed the new sprinkling water from the pump (during the daylight you cannot even tell there are lights in it unless you look real close).

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