Trick or Treat 2014

Trick or Treat finally arrived for a very anxious James who only had a half a day of school this day and by the time 6pm came he was ready to go.

James went down Tulane to Dartmouth, then Vassar to Annapolis and back before making his first candy deposit. He then went down Tulane to Annapolis and back for his second deposit, and finally Parker and into Dearborn for his third.

For the third year in a row the weather did not cooperate and we could not put up the inflatables. Always a bummer until Trick or Treat ends then you are glad you don’t have to mess with them at 9pm.

James did a cute pumpkin that was angry birds on one side and pig king on the other. A great day despite the weather (and yes, there were a few white flakes).

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