James Halloween Party 2014

James held his fourth Halloween party for his friends, this time students from his new “middle” school attended as well as the elementary school. James was much more involved in this years party in everything from the planning and decorations to the beverages that were served. James had several highlights including playing UNO with his teacher and seeing both his new teachers and his past teachers. The costume of choice for the kids seemed to be Mario Brothers and Mom got several compliments on her pumpkin cake. The favorite decoration seemed to be the Exorcist although the graveyard and pumpkin bar got several compliments as well.

All in all a great day! James says next years party will be October 10th.

Please note that the video below is a multiple video playlist, to play from the beginning simply click play, to view the list and jump around click the upper left corner of the playlist with the three horizontal lines.

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Lunar Eclipse 2014

The family enjoyed the lunar eclipse which was very well publicized and easy to see due to the nice clear weather in October. It was visible from North America, parts of Australia, China and Japan. Parts of South Asia, and Eastern Europe saw a partial eclipse.

Taking pictures of this was not easy as you can tell, but we tried. James also has a telescope that came in handy during this time period, but does not have the capability of allowing us to photograph the images.

All in all a very fun experience that the whole family enjoyed. Anything having to do with the moon in October has to be enjoyed by this family.

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