Abbotts 77th Magic Get Together 2014

With VIP camp ending the same week as Magic Week, James has not been able to spend as much time at Magic Week in Colon as he has in the past, but we still make sure he gets out there for at least one day of fun and magic. James had a blast looking at magic in the dealers room, seeing magic in the street, and seeing magic shows inside. This year was special as it celebrated the 80th birthday of the Abbott Magic Shop in addition to the 77th Magic Get Together. During this event, the small town of Colon doubles in size and becomes the Magic Capital of the World with everything from Vegas quality magic shows to a graveyard tour where many professional magicians are buried.

Next year the dates are August 5-8 if you want to add a little magic to your summer.

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US 12 Garage Sale 2014

Imagine a garage sale that goes from Detroit to Chicago and you have the U.S. 12 annual garage sale.

This year everyone in the family did good as Mom found a birdhouse she liked, James found a box of National Geographic magazines, and Dad found two zombies for Halloween.

Our tour usually starts in Saline at the farmhouse where you can visit all sorts of booths and still see chickens on the farm. A true throwback and done in a very organized manner. Our garage saling takes us into Clinton, then to the Irish Hills, then to the Michigan Speedway, then to Jonesville (where dad found the zombies), then to Quincy (which is also the antique capital of Michigan), to Coldwater on U.S. 12 and 69, and finally to Colon where we visited garage sales as well as took advantage of all the wonderful things the magic capital has available for us.

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