Month: July 2014
Full Rainbow Over The House
James wants to be a weather man when he gets older so naturally he is fascinated with weather, both good and bad weather. Jame’s favorite weather is a rainbow and it is rare that he see’s a full rainbow (a rainbow that goes 180 degrees across the horizon, most only go 90 degrees) and its even rarer that he see’s a full rainbow right smack dab over his own house.
James was “johnny on the spot” as soon as he spotted it hovering over the garage in the back yard. According to our calculations there should be a pot of gold on Pardee and/or Vassar as that appeared to be where the rainbow started and ended.
Summer Pool Fun 2014
With summer finally here we had a couple weeks before James VIP camp started and James took advantage of the situation by swimming in his new pool several times a day. Once VIP camp started, James continued to use the pool on a pretty much daily basis.
However in August James rarely used the pool, perhaps because there was so much going on, or perhaps because it was no longer a novelty. Regardless, the first two months of summer and the pool were a wonderful time for everyone, even though it was hard to maintain and keep clean (IE we could no longer mulch the back yard when mowing or the clippings would end up in the pool).
Chasing a Rainbow at a Softball Game 2014
James and Dad went to the park (despite a slight rain) to watch some of Dad’s friends play softball at Levigood (spelling??? The park outside Divine Child high school) park in Dearborn Heights. James spent most of the time playing in the park nearby, but was on hand when the game went into extra innings. The game went into extra inning and (unfortunately) Dad’s friends lost in the extra innings. All the same it was a fun visit for both James and Dad, who used to play softball not that long ago.
On the way home we were treated to a rainbow hovering over Dearborn Heights. James decided he wanted to chase it down so we continued past Dearborn Heights into Taylor but the rainbow continued to elude us, going more and more South the close we came to it. Although we came close, we never did catch up to the rainbow.
Finally the rainbow disappeared altogether and James and Dad returned home from a fun afternoon in “the heights”.
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Bad Omen on Happy Meal Day 2014
James still likes McDonald’s Happy Meals. He still gets the smallest one they have since they are probably not that healthy, but they usually are Happy! James enjoys the nuggets and dips them in ranch dressing.
Not a whole lot can go wrong while you are waiting at the drive thru at McDonalds, but things got scary when we realized the customer ahead of us was driving a hearse.
Actually the hearse was a promotional vehicle for a Halloween event and the owners were just taking it out for a summer spin to keep it in running shape.
Despite that, the initial reaction of seeing a hearse in front of you at the drive thru is still an unsettling experience for most, but James took it in stride and wanted to know why we didn’t drive around in a hearse.
At least James got his Happy meal ok
VIP Camp 2014
After a year of waiting James got to attend his VIP camp. This year they had more field trips including the zoo, Turtle Cove, Heritage Park, and Texas Roadhouse. One of the pictures is at the Texas Roadhouse with Jame’s friend, Dynamike, who is a Master Magician in Michigan. When not on the road the kids participated in various games and crafts for a six week period. Mom and Dad had to keep up with the lunch schedule since sometimes James had to brown bag, other times he had to pay for a lunch. Lots of fun and it kind of reminded us all of school recess, except this recess lasted about six hours each day.
James plans on returning next year and participated in several fund raisers for the camp later on in the summer. Below are pics from several different days.
Garage Sale 2014
We decided to try our hands at another garage sale. Jame’s had outgrown a bunch of toys and mom and dad needed to make some room in the house. We did not have a garage sale for two years so we were due.
While the garage sale did ok, the gist of this post has to do with who visited the garage sale. The first day, Dynamo the Clown stopped by and bought a few things on the way to a show on Pelham street. We thought that took the cake, but the very next day a family showed up in a golf cart.
All in all, the garage sale was a success and we are thinking about possibly having another one in mid to late September to help us make room for Halloween, if needed. I can’t wait to see who will visit us then.
4th of July 2014
James found a new way to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, in his pool. James got to witness quite a show as the rockets were red glare most of the night July 4th. The new law makes it legal to shoot off most any type of firework and to be honest it sounded like a war zone in the city. Spectacular displays as close as a few houses away made this a very special Fourth of July.
With the combination of the pool and the fireworks James agreed that this was probably one of his favorite Fourths ever. Later we set off our own fireworks out front (with the pool in the back we did not want to take any chances). Mom joined us as we stayed up till almost midnight fighting the mosquito’s and having a great Fourth of July holiday!
Everyone enjoyed sleeping in the next day as we all “seized the moment” this year!