James Graduation Gift – A Pool in 2014

As agreed upon way back in the cold days of February, James got his pool upon successful graduation and continuous good behavior at school. James was very excited about the pool and even when there was only one inch of water in it, he got in. Saturday we got the pool about half full and Sunday evening it was completely full. Monday James had to wear a white t shirt in the pool because he was getting a lot of sun, even with layers of cream on.

All in all a wonderful experience for James and he certainly has already gotten his money worth out of the pool (we actually bought the pool on a Memorial Day sale at Walmart, where we paid online and picked it up about a week later at the store).

Also, the title of this post “End of Spring” was Jame’s idea since he is ready for summer and the upcoming summer VIP camp that he is so fond of attending.

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