Mothers Day 2014

Another beautiful day for Mom, and the weather wasn’t bad either! The day started out as a typical Sunday as we took Aunt Peg shopping. Afterwards, we went out to the cemetery and paid our respects. James cleaned up some of the graves and added flowers to others. The weather was so perfect and bright that we could not see the pic in the view finder and kind of just shot blindly. We visited both the Kleiber side of the family and the Graf side of the family.

We noticed the rock around Jame’s Great Grandfather Graf is beginning to break. The grave is 70 years old so its probably not a surprise. Also Aunt Peg thought that there would be a temporary marker for Aunt Louise out there, unfortunately there wasn’t yet.

We traveled a little further South to one of Mary’s favorite antique shops where she got a little shopping spree as a Mothers day gift. We’ve pretty much done this same routine every Mothers day but deviated a little by eating at a Mexican restaurant instead of a Chinese restaurant (we had Chinese the day before on the way back from the Flea Market).

A fun time was had by all – Happy Mothers day!

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