Easter 2014

This year James began dyeing eggs on Palm Sunday. James gave a basket with some of the eggs to Aunt Peg (who just got out of rehab on her leg) and decorated the house with the others. We had to go easy on the green grass as the cats got into it and it wasn’t a pretty site.

While visiting Home Depot to buy an Easter plant, the Easter Bunny got a chance to sneak up on James as we kept taking pictures. James bought a lilly plant while at Home Depot and put it in a pot on the front porch. By Easter Sunday it was blooming!

Finally Easter Sunday morning arrived and the Easter Bunny had delivered his magical baskets to James. Now we get to eat and watch sports (The Tigers play LA at 1pm and the Wings play Boston in the Stanley Up playoffs at 3pm). Hopefully the Easter Bunny will be on our side for the games (at least its not Thanksgiving when we have to watch the …, well,lets just leave it at that).

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James Makes Hoover Elementary Honor Roll 2014

We were all thrilled when we found out that James had made the honor roll at Hoover elementary. In order to do this, James needs to maintain a B average in all his classes. While this is not the first time James has had this honor and we certainly hope it won’t be his last, we all feel extra special each time he does make the honor roll.

Hoover Elementary Science Fair 2014

James participated in the Hoover elementary science fair with a couple projects, one he did on his own and the other was a class project. James’ project was how heat affects ice, inspired by the harsh winter and how the warm spring air melts the ice. The class project was how flowers can change color to match the color of the water they are in. Flowers in red water would turn red, flowers in blue would turn blue, etc.

James received a blue ribbon for his individual project and is already thinking about his 2015 project. The entire science fair was very informative and fun to visit.

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