Day: January 31, 2014
Kittyville 2014
James got a surprised this Christmas when he received a new pet from the Humane Society. These kittens were rescue kittens and have really become a part of the household (especially with the cold winter we are having where everybody is inside most of the day).
Currently these kittens are on a kitty chow diet and I don’t know what they put in that stuff but the kitty litter used in the house has gone up a lot more than you would expect. We also keep the kittens out of the basement because we don’t want them messing around with some of the nooks and crannies you can find in a basement (or with the decorations stored down there). Once it warms up we should be able to put the Holiday decorations in the garage and the kittens will be much bigger and not able to crawl into small places.
All in all, everyone is enjoying the new additions and watching them grow.