Thanksgiving Visit to Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital 2013

Aunt Peg was at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit over the holidays and James and his Dad made a visit to see her and were surprised at all the magnificent Christmas decorations that were on display there.

Dad was born at Henry Ford Hospital (and so was his Dad James Grandpa and both Aunt Peg and Aunt Criss – the place has been around since 1915 or so) so it has a special meaning to him (although he does not remember his last visit here, it might have been when he was born).

Aunt Peg was doing ok but was very tired and not interested in taking pictures, however she would recover and a few weeks later we picked her up here and took her back to her apartment in Oakwood.

The one thing that is frustrating about this hospital is paid parking, I never liked that at a hospital but in Detroit or any major city I guess its necessary due to the high population vs park spots.

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After Halloween Sale 2013

As I am sure it has been pointed out before on this blog, Dad get his Christmas and Birthday gift from Mom each year Nov 1, a shopping spree consisting of Kmart, Walmart, Joanns, and Spirit Halloween. This year was no exception, best deals we found were 70% off, but the rest was 50% off. However I think the best deal was the T-shirts, which were only a couple dollars each.

It may take a little longer to get decorations this way, but if you pack them away then open them a year later, its no different than if you bought them just then, this way you save a ton.

This year James got to join in on the fun as he was off from school for scheduled school admin stuff, so he picked out a few things as well including an Angry Bird Pig pumpkin carving set (you stick the parts into the pumpkin and you are done, no muss, no fuss).

After shopping Mom took the family out to Big Boy for the breakfast bar, a great day with lots of great values.

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