James Birthday 2013

This years James Birthday was celebrated from morning to night. It began with Mom and Dad dropping off cupcakes for James class so they could have a celebration there and continued when he got home.

James Birthday came at a time when his Aunt was in the hospital. We usually celebrate James birthday with his Aunt Peg since they fall on the same date but with Peg in the hospital it was not to be for this year. James went and visited Aunt Peg, but we decided not to exchange gifts with her till she got home.

We decorated the kitchen up with a couple helium balloons (not as easy to find helium these days, supposedly in a year or two there will not be any helium left on the planet except for the stockpile for blimps and such) and scattered his gifts all around. James received alot of cards from relatives and really did very well for himself with over a $100 in spending money (he is saving the money, which sort of surprised us, as soon as he spends it we will take pics and let everyone know what he bought with it).

After a brief birthday celebration at home we had to go to Hoover school for the Parents/Teachers meeting (which James enjoys as he gets to see some of his classmates after school hours which is always fun).

A very different birthday than the ones in the past, but still a special and fun day.

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