Moms Birthday 2013

Mom’s birthday came (as you know she is 29) and we decided to celebrate with a trip to Frankenmuth (our anniversary is also during this time and we ate at Frankenmuth on our Honeymoon so we thought we would do that as well).

However when we arrived we found out that there was a huge festival going on and we could not even park the car because of the large crowd. The parking was completely filled up and it took us 20 minutes just to drive out of the mainstreet area. There was also an auto show going on along with the festival so it was a very busy little town. We went to Bronners for a look at the latest Christmas decorations, then went to Spirit Halloween in Bridgeport for a look at the latest Halloween decorations (Mary had a coupon for 20% off and we used it to buy a microwave cling that we will use this Halloween). We ate at a restaurant on the way home and had a great time even though it was not the chicken dinner we were expecting to have when the day started.

On the way home we stopped at a couple shops, James picked out a few things as well so it was really quite the day!

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