Day: September 3, 2013
End of Summer 2013
This summer started off hot then cooled down, but James did take advantage of both the hot days and the cool days in various ways. For the real hot days he had his slip and slide going in the back yard, cooler days he would work on his chalk projects.
After the Fourth of July it seemed the weather really became mild with average temperatures in the mid 70 – mid 80. This was unusual to be this cool in July and August but opened the door for many outdoor adventures where you did not have to avoid the sunlight.
Highlights of this year for James would have to include the slip and slide days of June, Mackinaw, VIP camp, and all the fireworks on the Fourth of July (we trusted James to light a few this year).
James will begin 5th grade tomorrow and we are all looking forward to that. Mrs Jent will be his teacher again this year and we are all happy about that.
Last Spring when summer started for James he brought home a sunflower from school that he planted, shown here is James and the sunflower and how well he took care of it.