Day: August 10, 2013
Abbotts 76th Magic Get Together 2013
We attended Magic week in Colon MI this year for the sixth time in a row. James had fun as usual and came home with many “items” from the Magic Capital in Colon MI. We saw a couple magic shows while in town, visited the magic museum, visited the magic dealers in the auditorium, and spent time at the arts and crafts show in town.
The magic show was over two hours making it the longest event James has sat through, and he enjoyed every minute of it and got a magic set as well at the show.
This was the 76th Abbott Get Together, do not be confused by cheap competitors trying to have their own magic week. Make sure that it says Abbotts and that it is in Colon MI. Next years dates are Aug 6-9 and it will be the 77th Abbott Get Together (they began in 1934 but missed a couple years due to wars and such, you can view their history at ).