City of Detroit 2013

Dad had some business downtown and spent some time in downtown Detroit. We were right across the street from Hart Plaza and had a great view of the Ren Cen from our window.

During lunch break I was able to get some great pictures of some of the art around Detroit. To my surprise I found a bust of Abraham Lincoln in the woods (I saw it from the window and investigated it from there, you cannot see it from the street as it is surrounded by trees). I also saw the Princess boat which has dancing and a night club atmosphere, reminded me of the Boblo boats which my family road so many times in the past.

Great parking available, I parked in the center medium on Jefferson, take the Lodge to Jefferson, then right past the “fist” is an underground parking structure in the center medium that is very convenient in and out. Rates go from $5 to $15 ($15 is for a full day of parking)

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Mackinaw 2013

A quick visit to Mackinac city on a beautiful summer day. James got to stop at Sea Shell City on the way up as well and picked up a new hat for his collection. We noticed that a new attraction was at Mackinaw Crossings – a Haunted House. We did not go through the house but it looked pretty cool from the outside. James and Mary spent most of the time at the beach where the air so so clear you could see past the UP as far as the horizon. We had smelt baskets for lunch, a treat for Mary and then picked up some fudge, a treat for James.

Note for historians – Why James is holding his breath and making silly faces in these pictures I have no idea.

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Abbotts 76th Magic Get Together 2013

We attended Magic week in Colon MI this year for the sixth time in a row. James had fun as usual and came home with many “items” from the Magic Capital in Colon MI. We saw a couple magic shows while in town, visited the magic museum, visited the magic dealers in the auditorium, and spent time at the arts and crafts show in town.

The magic show was over two hours making it the longest event James has sat through, and he enjoyed every minute of it and got a magic set as well at the show.

This was the 76th Abbott Get Together, do not be confused by cheap competitors trying to have their own magic week. Make sure that it says Abbotts and that it is in Colon MI. Next years dates are Aug 6-9 and it will be the 77th Abbott Get Together (they began in 1934 but missed a couple years due to wars and such, you can view their history at ).

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U.S. 12 Garage Sale 2013

Once again we went on tour down US12 (known as Michigan Avenue around here) for the annual garage sale. Last year the weather was bad and we only made it to the Irish Hills, this year the weather was perfect and we made it all the way to Cold Water!

James picked up some toys for virtually nothing, and Mary did well finding some awesome quilts and other items that she hopes to resell on Ebay.

The Halloween crop this year was very limited, not much for Dad to get. I think we cleaned out the Halloween stuff over the past couple years at garage sales. James is trying to get a road map of every state in the U.S. and actually is more than half way there.

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