Month: July 2013
Heritage Park Petting Zoo 2013
James visited this park a long time ago, once to see President Bush and the other time visiting the petting zoo, you can see the pictures still on this blog.
This summer his VIP camp visited Heritage park and James had so much fun he brought his family back the next Sunday.
James favorite animal is Stormy, a Gray rabbit. He loves all the barnyard animals but Stormy is his favorite. The turkey who kept strolling around the barn was pretty cool as well.
Many barnyard animals this day and all were very tame and friendly, a lot of fun for the entire family and only $4 per person.
Dads favorite was the Duck
Marshall Blues Festival 2013
This was the ten year celebration of the Marshall Blues Festival and I think we have attended the last four. This year we did it a little differently as James and Dad stayed for the event with Mom. The music was great and the weather was absolutely perfect.
Strolling around town we stopped in almost every store on mainstreet. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. A very pleasant experience as always in the town of Marshall.
Marshall is located at the intersection of 94 and 69, about an hour and 40 minute drive from Detroit.
One the way home we stopped in Jackson for dinner at a Chinese buffet on 127 (James really enjoys the Chinese buffets).
VIP Camp 2013
For the second year now James has attended VIP camp and has had a blast. This year VIP camp was in Melvindale, last year it was in Taylor. Many of the same kids attended which made it that much more fun seeing each other after an entire year.
James VIP camp came to an end with a party for the kids and parents. Each family contributed something and the staff and the kids did the rest. What a spread. James and the rest of the kids played games afterwards and a grand time was had by all.
VIP camp provides exciting experiences for kids. For example, last year one of James’ favorite activity was doing karate one day as one of their field trips, this year he had many favorites including Bowling, Heritage Park, YMCA, Fire Trucks, Water Parks, and many other field trips. Each week was themed which was cool. A great experience for the kids in every way.
4th of July 2013
This was the first year we let James light off his own fireworks. He picked out some at the fireworks shop (there are so many now that fireworks are legal in Michigan) and Dad picked out some classics such as the tank and those black worms.
Well, the new tanks stink, they do not roll and only shoot sparks, and the worms were almost impossible to light.
James used special firework lighter sticks that reminded me alot of insect repellants – they were only a nickel each – but that way he did not have to deal with a live flame.
Again, we did not use sparklers, Dad remembers those sparkles burning when he was a kid.
All in all a great 4th of July celebration
4th of July Festival and Parade 2013
James and his family attended the 2013 Colon 4th of July Parade. The visit began at the park, then moved to the parade grounds where we watched the largest parade of emergency vehicles that we hav ever seen, then a trip to the magic shop, then the midway where James shot 8 holes of Putt Putt golf and played several games, lunch at the diner, then back to the midway where James won a cake in a cake walk, and then finally back home in time to do fireworks – after everyone had ice cream of course.
The red, white and blue flowers were a gift for Mom from James!