Mothers Day 2013

These pics were taken a couple days before and a couple days after Mothers day. The day before Mothers day Mary worked a flea market with James. Then on Mothers day we took Grandma and Mom out to dinner at the China Buffet (which now has a Sushi bar, for those who like that type of thing). Then we took the Mom’s out to Flat Rock to shop at an antique store there, then stopped at Aunt Peg’s to drop off some items and pick some items up. Later on that week we went to the Wyandotte city wide garage sale and James got to play at the park. Finally James created a word search puzzle with his name and some of his friends, pretty clever.

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Abbotts Magic Flea Market 2013

What a great time we have at the Abbott Magic Flea Market which takes place each year around Mothers Day. If you are looking for magic and need to watch your funds, this is the place for you. You can go in with about $10 and walk out with a big bag of various magic. Prices are so low they could not be considered wholesale, but well below wholesale. Most of the magic is used but it is usually in good condition and the owner simply wants to make more room for new magic by selling off the old stuff.

We have found some great deals for Halloween as well. If you were to buy a guillotine or chopper for Halloween it would cost you a fortune, but here you can find those products cheap, and if you are buying them for Halloween you don’t even care about the magic part which means you can usually get them even cheaper.

Just a great 4 or 5 hours of fun here, highly recommended for all magic (and Halloween) enthusiasts.

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