Month: April 2013
James and Cindy the Cat 2013
Last year our beloved cat Lucy passed away in October and recently James hinted that we wanted another cat to play with. He specifically wanted a yellow cat. After a couple of weeks, Cindy is fitting in just fine with the family (although Idgie takes her with a grain of salt, we still see them snoozing together from time to time). James enjoys playing with the kitten (yes, she is a kitten but is big for her age) so we thought we would take some pictures of the two of them playing. James even made a “kitty school” out of a cardboard box and Cindy enjoys going in there. Some of these pictures are blurred but it more the kitten moving so fast than anything else. Welcome to the family Cindy.
Bronners in Spring 2013
A cool spring day presented the perfect opportunity for a trip to Frankenmuth and a visit to Bronners. James went shopping at Bronners and bought a couple Easter lights that were on sale (after Easter sale).
James and his family then had a chicken dinner at a pretty crowded Bavarian Inn (We did not expect it to be crowded because it was still pretty cold out, but I think lots of family’s were like us and just said “enough” to winter). For those of you who have never tried Zenders or Bavarian Inn chicken dinners you have to put it on your bucket list. This is a popular tourist attraction on Sundays just for the chicken dinners, several of my friends in Canada make the trek once or twice a year – its that good that people actually go through the hassle of customs to get some of the Frankenmuth Bavarian Chicken dinners
We then shopped at their outdoor mall where Mary got to visit the cupcake shop that won a reality show contest (cupcake wars). On the way home we got to listen to the Tigers win over the Yankees so it was a good day all around.