East Side Marios 2013

Easter weekend is a great time for good eating, and what better place to go than East Side Marios who have the absolute best soup, burgers, and Italian cuisine around.

When you have had your fill of Easter eggs and ham, this is the destination for you.

The setting of the restaurant is New York, specifically what you would find at the corner of Canal Street and Mulberry Street in Lower Manhattan. Ficticious windows of ficticious New Yorkers surround you along with the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty.

Great place to visit, great atmosphere, great food, and reasonably priced. Although the setting is in New York, and the cuisine is American/Italian, the company is actually owned by a Canadian company so you have a little bit of America, a little bit of Italy, and a little bit of Canada working to give you a very entertaining meal.

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Easter 2013

Easter 2013 had its ups and downs for sure. Earlier in the week Aunt Peg had to go to the Wyandotte hospital for a leg infection which was certainly a major “down”. However the arrival of a new member of the feline part of our family, a yellow cat named Cindy (short for Cinnamon), a couple great outings Easter weekend at East Side Mario’s, Screamers, and the pet store were certainly major “ups”. Michigan beating Florida Easter day to advance to its first final four in twenty years also was a major “up”!

James and his family would certainly like to thank all the family members who sent cards (and in James case, cash)! James seems to have a new interest with his gains each year. Last year it was Wii point cards, this year its Itune cards.

In case you are wondering why we took a picture of a green easter egg and a slice of ham, it was James idea. He wanted to finally try “Green Eggs and Ham”!

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