Month: February 2013
Fire on Jackson Street in Dearborn Heights
This morning we were on our way to visit Aunt Peg (she is scheduled to go home from Heartland rehab this Wednesday) when we saw a street blocked off at Jackson between Dartmouth and Colgate. The fire department was there putting out a home that was on fire. We hope everyone is ok and safe. We do not know what caused the fire, could have been lightning as we had a storm earlier but thats just speculation.
Valentines Day 2013
Despite being a little bit under the weather, James had a wonderful Valentines day. All week long he was bringing home art work that he put together in school. Then on Valentines day they had a party at school (James contributed Valentine cards and Reeses Pieces Valentines candy) and the picture shows some of the goodies that James came home with that day. James gave as well as he received, giving Mom two heart shaped boxes of candy, Reeses and Kit Kat style.
James was fine after Valentines day, just a little cough that went away after 24 hours.
Later we found out that James had made the honor roll at school so we should have a certificate later to commemorate that event.