Day: December 9, 2012
Christmas at the Magic Capitol 2012
Once again we attended the Colon Christmas Celebration. James got plenty of treats as pretty much everywhere you went there were cookies, juice, cocoa, and even a chilli contest. Mary got to shop at the antique stores and James got to see Santa and also pet the live reindeer that were outside the library. Inside the library James got to pick out a free book – he chose a Madlib book. Outside the library James got to pet a couple live reindeer!
The elementary school had a craft show which included some awesome tasting snacks and some homemade Amish bread. A Santa parade went down mainstreet and there were carolers on the corners. A fun time was had by all.
Below is a demonstration of the virtual Santa that we got from Abbotts, it makes it look like Santa is really in your window.