Abbotts 75th Magic Get Together 2012

James got to help set up some of the booths at the Abbotts Get Together, an event which takes place each August. James has come to this festival since he was 3 and has always enjoyed it, however this is the first time he got to actually help out in the preparations. James helped out the weekend before then got to attend and enjoy the festivities the weekend after (his camp prevented him from attending during the week).

A bonus surprise was that Jame’s pet doves were used on the Friday night show (tickets were $25 each for a Vegas quality magic show but James got in for free because of the work he did the weekend before).

James enjoyed pizza in a place that had a girl floating in the window and posters from many of the past Abbott Get Togethers.

Towards the end of the event, a huge rainbow filled the sky over the magic village of Colon which just thrilled James.

The 2013 Abbott Get Together dates are Aug 7,8,9,10, this will be their 76th year doing this. We heard that some other magic shop was copying this event and putting it on a week earlier in Colon so make sure if you do attend that it is the Abbott Magic Get Together that you attend and not “the copycat” as James likes to call it.

We would truly like to thank the staff of Abbott Magic for their hospitality and kindness during this event. We all had a great time.

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