Month: June 2012
James Makes Hoover Elementary Honor Roll 2012
We got a real big surprise today when James came home with an honor roll certificate for the fourth quarter. This is Jame’s second honor roll this year so like we did when he got his first one we took him out to celebrate. He had a chocolate/vanilla swirl dipped in chocolate at the Dairy Queen, and got a Wii point card for his Nintendo Wii system. We know James had to work hard to earn the certificate this quarter and we are all so very proud of his achievement(s).
James last day of school is Thursday and we do have a few surprises for him on that day as well.
School Party as James Completes 3rd Grade 2012
Soo Locks & Soo Museum Tour 2012
James and Mom got to go on a two hour tour of the Soo Locks. This was James first time going through the locks and also the first time he got to go to Canada (that he remembered, we took him a couple times to Kingsville and Windsor while he was in a stroller). James has been wanting to go to Canada since studying about it at school and online. Going on the boat tour not only did he get to understand the workings of the Soo Locks, but also the boat took him to Canada without the headache of going through customs.
After the boat tour we went by the other museums and finished off the day shopping in the tourist trap area.
Mackinaw City and Bridge 2012
James had a blast at Mackinaw City, perhaps his favorite is throwing rocks into Lake Huron right underneath the bridge, especially at night. We made sure to make time for his activity and also took him to Mackinaw Crossings earlier in the evening to shop for toys. Other activities he enjoyed were two trips over the Mackinaw bridge, which is the largest suspension bridge in the Western hemisphere (I think, people keep making newer and bigger bridges each year). It spans 5 miles between the lower and upper peninsula’s which is a larger span than the Golden Gate bridge. This time we tried to get some pics crossing the bridge as Mom worked the camera while Dad drove. As in past years, we ended the visit with a trip to Mackinaw Island and a visit to Sea Shell City.
Mackinaw Island 2012
The highlight of our Northern Michigan adventure is always the trip to Mackinaw Island. Arriving at the island on the earliest ferry is our general routine, by 8:30am we are deep in the State park where we visit Skull Cave, the 3 graveyards, and Arch rock. There are many other great spots on the island but these three we always do first, then go and search the island for other adventure.
After spending the morning in the woods we then move toward the city for lunch. This year there was a tour of the Governors mansion which we attended so now we can say we were inside the Governors mansion, if only for a few minutes. After shopping for a bit James and I went through the haunted house and Mary shopped for T-shirts. On the boat ride home we sat on the upper level and enjoyed the high speed “breeze” created by the boat and the beautiful day.
St Ignace Deer Ranch 2012
The first stop after we crossed the bridge was the Deer Ranch in St Ignace. They just had a few new fawns and you can see some of them in the pics. James got both carrots and crackers for the deers this year and made some of the deers a cracker sandwich with a carrot in the middle. This year none of the albino deers came up for food, only the brown normal colored deers did, which was just fine with James.
While Dad and James were out feeding the deers, Mom was shopping for souvenir shirts for everyone. James got a Deer Ranch sweater which he wore on the Soo Lock boat tour. James enjoyed running around outside and the deers would run along side with him. He said that was his favorite part of the Deer Ranch this year, even more so than feeding the deers.
Sea Shell City 2012
James has been going to Sea Shell City for years now, he loves playing in the pirate boat outside and enjoys the shopping inside. He usually always walks out with something, maybe a hat or maybe a shirt, ironically never a sea shell (they have thousands from all over the world here).
The story of Sea Shell city is an interesting one. We always lump it in with Mackinaw since its only a few miles from the bridge, but it actually is in Cheboygan. It is right off interstate 75 at exit 326 and is quite visible from the road. Its been here sine 1963, but its the story before 1963 that is interesting.
Sea Shell City originally opened for business on Old 27 in Gaylord, MI. Since Interstate 75 did not come this far north, It was an excellent location as everyone had to use Old 27 to continue north to Mackinac City, Mackinac Island or to take the ferry across the Straits of Mackinac to get to the Upper Peninsula. When Interstate 75 was completed in 1957, the business decreased severely as there was no need to travel Old 27 to go farther north.
So you could say the Mackinaw Bridge being built which forced 75 North was almost the undoing of Sea Shell City. Now its probably the main source of visitors for them.
Spring Frankenmuth Trip 2012
James picked up a few Mario brother characters, a hard hat with a light in it that says Frankenmuth on the side, and an Easter bunny from Bronners (yes, he went to the Christmas shop and bought something for Easter). James had lots of fun and the place was strangely quiet for such a pretty day. We had most of the place to ourselves and had no problems getting seated for a chicken dinner at the Bavarian Inn.
Highlights include James feeding a horse named Gus, flinging about 100 pennies into various fountains, and the many photo ops where you stick your head through a hole (in one James could not reach the boy fairy hole with his head so he stuck his head through the next hole which was the girl fairy). The picture is very funny looking and we all had a little laugh at the fairy pic. You can see that pic and a whole bunch more by clicking the button below.