Day: April 29, 2012
Oakwood Commons Park 2012
When it comes right down to it, Oakwood Commons has to be about the prettiest rehabilitation center I have ever visited. There are nature trails, playgrounds, rivers with wild life, and rolling hills. Since Aunt Peg has been in the place it has been too cold to take advantage of these things on our visits but the last couple times the temperature has been mild (and dry) enough so that James can play outside there.
James always visits Aunt Peg first before playing, unfortunately Aunt Peg cannot see him from her window. Whenever James visits Aunt Peg she always has a goody for him (Aunt Peg plays Bingo at Oakwood Commons and sometimes wins prizes for kids)
Aunt Peg hopes to be out of Oakwood Commons between the middle of May and the 1st of June.
If you look closely at the picture of the river you will see a goose swimming in it.