Oakwood Commons Park 2012

When it comes right down to it, Oakwood Commons has to be about the prettiest rehabilitation center I have ever visited. There are nature trails, playgrounds, rivers with wild life, and rolling hills. Since Aunt Peg has been in the place it has been too cold to take advantage of these things on our visits but the last couple times the temperature has been mild (and dry) enough so that James can play outside there.

James always visits Aunt Peg first before playing, unfortunately Aunt Peg cannot see him from her window. Whenever James visits Aunt Peg she always has a goody for him (Aunt Peg plays Bingo at Oakwood Commons and sometimes wins prizes for kids)

Aunt Peg hopes to be out of Oakwood Commons between the middle of May and the 1st of June.

If you look closely at the picture of the river you will see a goose swimming in it.

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Easter 2012

Both James and his Mom were a little under the weather today, but besides that it was a great day. James had a great variety in his baskets this year including three books to read along with the standard candy and toys. I went and visited Peg and she had a small basket with candy for James, unfortunately James had to stay home with a slight cough, however You can see a picture of James holding the basket in the gallery. While visiting Peg she made a short video wishing everyone a Happy Easter (which I uploaded to Facebook).

Both James and Mary felt better as the day progressed.

What a weekend for the Tigers who won their first 3 games of the 2012 season. The first game was a 3-2 thriller with a walk off hit, the second a 10-0 victory, and the third featured 2 comebacks in their last at bats to win, a 3 run homer by Miguel Cabrera to tie it in the 9th and a 2 run homer by Alex Avila to win it in the 11th. After Avila’s walk off home run to win it the announcer said “Happy Easter Detroit”.

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Henry Ford Museum Titanic Exhibit 2012

Titanic has come to Dearborn MI. James got to see the new Titanic exhibit at the Henry Ford Museum and enjoyed it immensely. Pictures were not allowed inside the exhibit but there were a couple photo opportunities where you could buy pictures they took of you (ala Cedar Point roller coasters). James is shown here in one of those pictures. There were many artifacts that had been brought up from the sunken ocean liner including equipment, jewelry, money, and personals of people who were on the ship. They also had a real iceberg (similar to what they have at the polar bear exhibit at the Detroit zoo) so that people could feel just how cold the water was that fateful April night 100 years ago. The final part was (of course) the souvenir store where James could hardly control his glee at all the great Titanic gifts. James got a postcard book, reprints from 1912 newspapers, “polar ice”, and a titanic coloring book.

After Titanic we took a quick trip around the museum, James got some pictures taken in the Rosa Parks bus, in front of the JFK assassination car, in front of the worlds largest locomotive, and a few other places before we left.

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