Day: March 21, 2012
Getting Ready For Titanic 2012
Yes, Titanic is coming to Dearborn, well actually its coming to The Henry Ford Museum.
James was under the weather the past few days and we took him to the doctors just to make sure everything was ok. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about and gave him some cough medicine. On the way home we stopped at Henry Ford so James could see the setup for Titanic. The exhibit does not open until March 31st and is really supposed to be spectacular, however they do not allow pictures so we are not sure how much we will be able to post here.
James posed for a couple pictures in the lobby then we went into the museum and took a couple pictures where the exhibit was being built. They also will have the Titanic movie in 3D and several documentaries going on in April so it looks like April will be Titanic month, and why not, it was 100 years ago this month that Titanic began its maiden voyage which ended in disaster.