Trick or Treat 2011

The pics start with the outside decorations at our home, then go into James Trick or Treating and the fun he had. James met up with some of his friends on the street, and we did all of Vassar and Tulane from Annapolis to Dartmouth. Missing this year was Mrs Kerchen who is recovering from an accident and hopes to be back soon. Mrs Steel on the corner went out of her way to see James (as did most our neighbors). Allen next door had some great pumpkins and most of the homes were very well decorated. This might have been the best year yet as I would guess 1 out of every 2 or 3 homes had some Halloween decorations up, so I would have to say that it is closing in on Christmas as far as outside decorations.

The trick or treater turnout seemed light, really don’t know why since it was a nice evening. James was the only kid out on one block and it was around 7pm which should have been prime trick or treating. Tons of candy left at the house as well.

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