Day: October 28, 2011
Hoover Elementary Halloween Parade 2011
For the second year in a row James and his classmates participated in the Hoover Elementary Halloween Parade. The entire school marched around the front of the school in their halloween costumes, led by their principle Mrs Springer, who wore the purple jester costume. The costumes seemed to be much more elaborate than last years, with Darth Vader and Batman seeming to be the favorites among boys, and witches and angels the favorites among girls.
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Halloween Treats from Hoover Elementary 2011
Wow, it seems each year James brings more and more home from school for Halloween treats. This year he got so much it looked like Trick or Treat time. James got a flash light, vampire pen, pez, marshmallow Halloween meal, finger candy, candy corn, and even a pop corn hand with candy corn fingernails.
Special thanks to all who contributed to Jame’s loot and if he does this well at Trick or Treat he will be doing great. Also a special thanks to Mrs Jent and all of Hoover elementary who always go out of their way to make holidays special for the students.
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