Month: October 2011
Trick or Treat 2011
The pics start with the outside decorations at our home, then go into James Trick or Treating and the fun he had. James met up with some of his friends on the street, and we did all of Vassar and Tulane from Annapolis to Dartmouth. Missing this year was Mrs Kerchen who is recovering from an accident and hopes to be back soon. Mrs Steel on the corner went out of her way to see James (as did most our neighbors). Allen next door had some great pumpkins and most of the homes were very well decorated. This might have been the best year yet as I would guess 1 out of every 2 or 3 homes had some Halloween decorations up, so I would have to say that it is closing in on Christmas as far as outside decorations.
The trick or treater turnout seemed light, really don’t know why since it was a nice evening. James was the only kid out on one block and it was around 7pm which should have been prime trick or treating. Tons of candy left at the house as well.
Hoover Elementary Halloween Parade 2011
For the second year in a row James and his classmates participated in the Hoover Elementary Halloween Parade. The entire school marched around the front of the school in their halloween costumes, led by their principle Mrs Springer, who wore the purple jester costume. The costumes seemed to be much more elaborate than last years, with Darth Vader and Batman seeming to be the favorites among boys, and witches and angels the favorites among girls.
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Halloween Treats from Hoover Elementary 2011
Wow, it seems each year James brings more and more home from school for Halloween treats. This year he got so much it looked like Trick or Treat time. James got a flash light, vampire pen, pez, marshmallow Halloween meal, finger candy, candy corn, and even a pop corn hand with candy corn fingernails.
Special thanks to all who contributed to Jame’s loot and if he does this well at Trick or Treat he will be doing great. Also a special thanks to Mrs Jent and all of Hoover elementary who always go out of their way to make holidays special for the students.
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Best Decorated Halloween Homes 2011
We did this a few years back and thought it might be interesting to see how the Halloween decor has changed in the past few years. Most of these homes are a few blocks from James which makes for a real fun Halloween atmosphere in the neighborhood. James especially enjoys outside displays and as we drive around he picks out his favorites as he helps with the project, however there is a small fee for his services – a slurpy at the local Seven Eleven!
Is it possible that Halloween may someday take over the decoration crown from Christmas? Each year we see more and more Halloween homes like the ones shown here.
James Halloween Party 2011
James had a great time at the Halloween party and did a good job as a first time host. The party was well attended with about a 50/50 ratio of kids and adults. Even James’ teacher, Mrs Jent, showed up. The weather cooperated as well, although we did not plan anything for outside. Most of the time was spent in the basement and every kid got a bag of goodies when they left.
We did not take many pictures during the party, we were having too much fun. The majority of these pics were taken after the party (which we officially called a Get Together since we did not have anything scheduled for any particular time). Hopefully we can do it again next year.
Special thanks to Sammy’s mom for sending us some pics she took during the party.
Pumpkins for the Halloween Party 2011
What would a Halloween party be without pumpkings? James and Dad pondered this thought and decided to go out and buy a few pumpkins to carve for the Halloween party. Pumpkins usually last a week or two if they are not carved, but once you carve one they begin to deteriorate rather rapidly and you really only have a few days of being able to use a carved pumpkin (It also depends on the temperature, if they are kept cool they will last much longer, but if left in a warm house they will deteriorate quickly).
A quick trip to the store got us everything we needed and James was very creative with his carving of the pumpkins. Hopefully they go over good at the upcoming Halloween Party. James thinks so and so does Dad.
Stevens Birthday at “Pump it Up” 2011
James visited “Pump It Up” after school and met up with some of his classmates at the Beech Daly/Northline location. Inside this facility are giant inflatables that the kids could play on constantly. James had a blast and ran from one giant inflatable to the next. Long sleeves and socks protected the kids from any “rug burns” on the rubber, a very good tip we received in the invitation which I am passing along for anyone who might want to visit this place. They also have a party area for food so you could have an entire birthday party here if you wanted to.
I realize the quality of the pictures is not the best, I believe it was a combination of a poor photographer (Dad), indoor lighting, and kids running constantly at break neck speeds.
Thanks to Stephen and his family for inviting us to this event, everything was paid for and each kid got a bag of goodies when they left.