Day: April 24, 2011
Late Spring Snow Fall 2011
When you live in Michigan which is surrounded by the great lakes you can get snow almost anytime except summer. This is one of the reasons you can’t really do much gardening in April and according to the farmers almanac, you are not out of the woods regarding snow until Memorial Day (and I remember some close calls regarding snow even on Memorial Day).
James took a break from his Easter activities and shoveled the snow which was nice, especially on Easter weekend. This little blast kind of took us by surprise and the snow just does not work with the Easter decorations.
However the people in the neighborhood who still have Christmas decorations are saying a big and collective “told you so” to the rest of us.
Easter 2011
James had the week off before Easter and also the Monday after so he had a pretty long Spring break. The school also let them out at lunch time Friday to start vacation a little early and James went to his favorite restaurant – China Buffet – with Mom and Dad because he got good reviews at school. However his vacation started out a little rough with a spring snow shower that he decided to go out and shovel. Stuck inside all weekend we made do by creating a creepy magic show with Halloween props and had a lot of fun doing it.
Later we dyed eggs and ate them off during the week. James got new toys including a Batman play set and additional Lego’s that he had been asking for. The day before Easter James and his family went to visit Grandma and later went to Aunt Peg’s who treated James and his family to the China Buffet, James favorite restaurant. Mom went shopping at TJ Max and Aunt Peg went shopping at a grocery store so while waiting for them, Dad snapped a picture of James in the car with his Easter ears on. Mary got to see an Indy car while shopping, a promotion by Verizon that day.
Like Christmas, James stayed up late hoping to catch the Easter Bunny but he eventually fell asleep. The next morning it was obvious the Easter Bunny had been there because the living room was full of baskets with toys and candy.
Thanks to all and Happy Easter from James, Mom, and Dad.