Month: January 2011
A Fun Snow Day 2011
A blistering cold Michigan Saturday did not stop James from having some winter time fun. He built a snow fort, then had a blast demolishing it. He made snow angels and snow balls, but had difficulty getting the snow to stick for a genuine snowman. He was visited by Swiper (the squirrel that can be seen in the neighbors tree, James named him after Swiper the Fox from the Dora cartoon series because he looks alot like the fox (he’s a big squirrel). It appears that we were the only two human beings outside this day, I don’t know if that’s a statement about us or about the neighborhood but eventually we just said no more being a prisoner of a Michigan winter.
Happy New Year 2011
James’ New Year Eve started New Year Eve Eve with a trip to Toy’s R Us for a second shopping spree, this one courtesy of Grandma. James picked up two toys, the first was a Sponge Bob playdoh set which is really cool because you create Spongebob and when you are finished you can use the accessories and have a sort of sponge bob potato head type toy, tough to explain. The other was another robot that he added to his hotwheel set. This robot picks the car up and flings it 90 degrees in a different direction.
As the day went on James, Mom and Dad took a trip down the block to see the big tree decorated on Tulane and Lehigh, then returned to watch the New Year celebration with Dick Clarke. James had noise makers and those “pull a string and they pop with confetti” things so he had a blast shooting them off outside while fireworks went off throughout the night. Needless to say James slept in the next day but he had simply a great Holiday vacation and we are looking forward to him doing big things this year in school.