Month: October 2010
Trick or Treat 2010
This year James got to wear two costumes, the first for school was the skeleton for the school parade and the main costume was Woody from Toy Story 3 which he used to go Trick or Treating. We were concerned that James might lose the hat for the Woody costume at the school parade and also james was more fond of the Woodie costume.
Dad took James trick or treating while Mom handed out candy. Aunt Peg who usually hands out candy was not available this year because she was recovering from the leg injury she got this past summer. James did a great haul this year and the weather was perfect for trick or treating.
Hoover Elementary Halloween Parade 2010
James had a big day Friday, the 29th of Oct, when he got to dress up in his Halloween costume to go to school. James was pretty excited the night before and did not sleep well, in the morning he was yawning and was somewhat sluggish while watching Curious George. This is actually not what he will be wearing on Halloween (he will be Woody from Toy Story but we were very concerned the high winds might blow away Woody’s cowboy hat at the parade). The parade took place around the school and it appeared everyone was very well dressed. James looked surprised and somewhat in awe at the festivities, this was the first parade he has ever been in (he has seen several) and was a little shy, but he soon got into the swing of things, waving to his adoring public. Later in the day they had a Halloween party for just the students and James came home with many Halloween decorations he made in class.
Most of the decorations for Halloween are up, but not a lot outside yet (we had pretty heavy winds so none of the inflatables are up yet, they will go up Halloween morning if the weather permits). Weather is forecasting rain on Halloween so we have made preparations for other activities if Jame’s trick or treating is shortened.
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Gearing Up For Halloween & Parade 2010
October is a big deal for the family as the Halloween decorations come out and get set up, this year we planted a pumpkin patch in the back and it outgrew the garden, however it is paying dividends and we have gotten a couple pumpkins already out of our own back yard. Last year Mary went out and bought my birthday gifts the day after Halloween and she got great deals on a bunch of cool decorations so this year we are reaping the benefits of her fore sight. She plans on doing the same this year. James has been a much bigger help this year, participating more in the decorating and giving his input on where he wants things. The ghost that floats across the window is entirely James idea, and he seems to be more “gentle” with the props where as in years past we would find them taken apart due to his curiosity.
Anyhow we got a good jump on the Halloween season and uploaded some pictures and videos that you might enjoy seeing. New this year is a fogger that blows bubbles full of fog. When the bubble bursts, it lets out fog and really looks cool.