Happy Birthday James and Peg 2010

It was truly a toy story 3 birthday celebration for James, his day began by playing his video game early while Mom and Dad secretly decorated the kitchen. Dad and James went to pick up Aunt Peg and Mom went to pick up Grandma and we met at Applebees for lunch. James and Aunt Peg went to Toys R Us where James spent all the money he got from relatives on Toy Story games including another Toy Story Wii game (thanks to all who made this possible). While James was at Toys R Us, Mom put the finishing touches on the kitchen decorations and when James came in he was greeted with a table full of toys, cards, candy and more cash. After sharing some cake with the neighbors, James played with just about everything and toward the end of the night he was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open but kept playing till he fell asleep (His cousin Mark would be proud). We think James enjoyed this birthday more than any others because it was so diversified. Aunt Peg who also celebrated her birthday received several gifts as well including having Happy Birthday sung to her by her sister Criss.

Thanks again to all who made this possible.

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