Day: August 31, 2010
Dinosaur World Museum Kentucky 2010
Exit 53 on the interstate, between Nashville and Louisville, is one of James Raymonds favorite places on earth.
On the way down to Nashville this year we stopped off at Dinosaur World but only went into the souvenir shop and picked up some dinosaur toys for James. We told him if he was good on the way home we would take him through the park. One of the nights at the hotel we even watched a dinosaur documentary which everyone enjoyed called “The End of the Dinosaurs” (or something similar in name) which detailed how and why the dinosaurs went extinct when a meteor hit the earth.
Well, for the most part James was very good on this trip, especially in the restaurants. Yes, he did pour his bubbles into the fountain at the nursing home and Yes, he did shoot a rocket off down the hall of the nursing home and Yes, Uncle Bills new Lazy Boy chair got a bit of a workout, but for the most part he was very well behaved and a good boy so on the way home James got rewarded by a walk through Dinosaur World.
Nashville Flea Market 2010
The last weekend of every month during the summer is the famous Nashville Flea Market. This year we got there early (Uncle Bill took us to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and bought each of us a gift) and had a great place to park. James got several toys and the flea market and even some “jerky” snacks (although the $3 soda pop did sting a bit). Mary checked out the antiques with Uncle Bill while James and Dad visited the toy sections of the flea market (and there were many). Thanks to our early arrival we were able to leave the Flea Market just before the afternoon heat (and a few rain drops) came.
Mom got Dad a wallet which was very much needed. Of special note was the gift that James picked out at Cracker Barrel which was a toy dog. The evening before we visited Uncle Bills home and he has 3 dogs which James got to play with, could James be sending us a hint?
Willie Nelson Museum 2010
Within walking distance of our hotel were several tourist sites including the Willie Nelson museum. The museum is divided into two halfs, the front part is a huge sourvenier store which claims itself to be the largest souvenier store in Nashville. We visited many other souvenier places and so far this one does appear to be the largest, although we are by no mean experts and have certainly not seen all the souvenier places.
The back part is the museum and there is a $8 fee to go there. Inside were many articles not only from Willie Nelson but also from Johnny Cash, Elvis, and even an Audie Murphy tribute. The museum was built with many of the items that Willie had to sell to pay his IRS bill, the museum purchased many of those items and returned them to Willie which was a cool thing to do.
One of the creepiest things we saw on any trip was the Patsy Cline exhibit which included a mangled watch which stopped when her airplane crashed (fatal). Many other very interesting exhibits were here to visit and well worth the $8 charge.
Cooters Dukes of Hazzard Museum 2010
What would a trip to Nashville be without a visit to Cooters Garage. Actually its a Dukes of Hazzard museum which is located right next to the Willie Nelson museum. Inside you will find tons of pictures and collectibles from the Dukes of Hazzard television series, but without a doubt was the opportunity to see 4 of the vehicles used in the series, the General Lee, Cooters tow truck, Daisy’s Jeep and of course a Hazzard county police car.
The museum was free, but there is a charge to take your picture inside the car (which is why Mary is outside of the General Lee). Fret not Hazard fans, we did purchase several souveniers to support this fun tourist site.
Visiting Grandpa in Nashville 2010
With time running out on summer it was now or never if we were going to make it to Nashville to visit Grandpa and Uncle Bill. Fortunately we made it thanks to the Michigan law which stops school from starting earlier than Labor day. James got a chance to see his Grandpa and also Uncle Bill and his family. Uncle Bill is rebuilding his home after the flood and it is coming along beautifully. As we visited various places in Nashville you could find buildings and businesses still closed from the devastating flood. In fact the hotel we stayed at near Opryland was discounted because the Opryland mall, one of the major attractions in Nashville, was still closed and not due to open till November.
One good thing that came out of the flood was that Uncle Bill found an archive of old family pictures when going through the flood damage. Mom hopes to scan those pictures in and upload to this site in the near future.
Grandma came down on the trip as well and had a chance to visit friends from her previous home for the first time since moving to Michigan back in November 09.