Marshall Blues Festival 2010 – Then Puppet Show

It was a very hot July day and the traffic and construction tie ups were terrible, but we made it to the Blues Festival in Marshall Michigan for the first time. James and I stayed for a bit then went on to the park and a magic shop, while mom enjoyed the music while shopping for antiques on the Marshall main street. We left around 6pm as the place was just starting to get real crowded. Mary bought a cd of the music of one of the bands and we listened to it on the way home.

That evening James watched a dinosaur movie then did his own version of it in his puppet theatre. Lots of entertainment this day!

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James New Cousin Nicolette

Meet Nicolette

Trenton Festival 2010

What a great time we had at the Trenton festival. James has been here several times in the past few years and he always has a good time. I think his favorite thing is getting the free balloons from the various shop keeps to participate. This year there were a whole bunch of inflatable moonwalks and slides that he could play in as well as the usual games that he is familiar with. He also got to put out a simulated fire with a real fire hose. After the event was over we went out for Chinese to complete a wonderful summer day.

On the way home, we stopped by Aunt Louises old house and snapped a picture. sure looks different with those gates in the drive.

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Magic Capitol 4th of July Parade & Festival 2010

The Fourth of July celebration in Colon is truly a marvel for the year. Our family and I had a wonderful time again. Our day began at 11am watching the parade go down main street from the high school. Our friends Walter and Mary Weaver were gracious host so we had a front row seat for most of the activities. There were many highlights of the parade but most of our group felt the flyover by the jets was the best part.

Once the parade ended and we took a short break, then went down for the festivities which included many games and activities including a couple new ones. Our group then hooked up for a magic show at Abbott’s where we enjoyed a wonderful performance by Gordon Miller.

Special thanks to Walter and Mary Weaver for having us. Thanks to Grandma for joining us as well.

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