James Returns To School After Christmas Break 2010

James had a big day today, returning to school after a 2 week layoff. His teacher said he had a great day (in the past, some of James’ return to school after long lay offs were not as good). We checked his schoolwork and everything looked complete so we gave James congrats then let him have some of his candy from the holidays and play Scooby Doo on the video game.

James did a couple of projects over the weekend. He made 2010 robots, his new invention that will replace the calendar some day. He also made a calendar for the whole year, took him a couple hours for a couple days but he did finish it and is using it. We have added pics of these to this post (you have to click read rest of entry to see the pics on any of these posts)

A good day at school for James, Yeah! We are hoping that posting his work on the website will make him strive to do better, only time will tell if it works but we’re going to try it.

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